ATI RADEON X700XT (RV410): Part 1 - Performance.
- Official specifications
- Architecture
- Video cards' features
- Testbed configurations, benchmarks, 2D quality
- Synthetic tests in D3D RightMark
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03: FillRate Multitexturing
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03: Vertex Shaders
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03: Pixel Shaders
- Test results: Quake3 ARENA
- Test results: Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
- Test results: Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Test results: Code Creatures DEMO
- Test results: Unreal Tournament 2003
- Test results: Unreal II: The Awakening
- Test results: RightMark 3D
- Test results: TRAOD
- Test results: FarCry
- Test results: Call Of Duty
- Test results: HALO: Combat Evolved
- Test results: Half-Life2(beta)
- Test results: Splinter Cell
- Test results: DOOM III
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game1
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game2
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game3
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game4
- Test results: 3DMark03 MARKS
- Conclusions

THERE IS NOTHING HERE TO ANALYZE separately! Complete defeat of X700XT in all respects! This game obviously does not support the new card (we tested both Patch 1.1 and Patch 1.2), and something failed to activate there, resulting in this unprecedented defeat!
If this disgrace is not fixed after the card appears on the shelves and another patch is released, X700XT will deserve to be condemned to general defeat for this fiasco. Though you can see that in fact the optimizations are working. And again anisotropy is involved. That means we should analyze the quality. However, what is the point in this analysis after such a defeat...

The easiest modes without AA and anisotropy: approximate parity. Though optimizations yield fruit in both cards, but the performance gain in X700XT is higher.
With enabled AA: X700XT is victorious! Again thanks to the lazy write to the frame buffer in 6600GT, which produces a negative effect in case of AA.
With enabled anisotropy: an opposite picture, this time 6600GT is victorious.
The final heaviest mode with AA and anisotropy: on the whole, taking into account that X700XT profited more by the AA advantage, the victory goes to this card.
Thus, on the whole:
- RADEON X700XT versus RADEON 9800 PRO (ATHLON64 3400+) - victory
- RADEON X700XT versus RADEON 9800 XT (ATHLON64 3400+) - the same results
- RADEON X700XT versus GeForce 6600GT - victory
- RADEON X700XT versus GeForce 6800LE (ATHLON64 3400+) - defeat
- RADEON X700XT with the LOW OPTIMIZATION versus RADEON X700XT WITHOUT OPTIMIZATIONS - X700 gets decent performance gains in the AF mode with enabled A.I.
We express our thanks to ATI for the video cards provided to our lab.
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