ATI RADEON X700XT (RV410): Part 1 - Performance.
- Official specifications
- Architecture
- Video cards' features
- Testbed configurations, benchmarks, 2D quality
- Synthetic tests in D3D RightMark
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03: FillRate Multitexturing
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03: Vertex Shaders
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03: Pixel Shaders
- Test results: Quake3 ARENA
- Test results: Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
- Test results: Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Test results: Code Creatures DEMO
- Test results: Unreal Tournament 2003
- Test results: Unreal II: The Awakening
- Test results: RightMark 3D
- Test results: TRAOD
- Test results: FarCry
- Test results: Call Of Duty
- Test results: HALO: Combat Evolved
- Test results: Half-Life2(beta)
- Test results: Splinter Cell
- Test results: DOOM III
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game1
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game2
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game3
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game4
- Test results: 3DMark03 MARKS
- Conclusions

The easiest modes without AA and anisotropy: X700XT is victorious, the optimizations are scarce but they still provide some performance gain.
With enabled AA: the 6600GT optimizations at 1600x1200 resulted in the drop of performance, but comparing the cards without optimizations we can see that, strange as it way seem, X700XT was heavily defeated at the same resolution. Though activated A.I. gave all the trumps to the ATI product resulting in a general victory. Again we'll have to examine the quality.
With enabled anisotropy: AF optimization in X700XT also resulted in a surge of performance leading to victory. The quality question is opened, we'll research it later.
The final heaviest mode with AA and anisotropy: despite the defeat in AA at 1600x1200 leading to the final defeat of X700XT in this resolution, X700XT is generally victorious because it has more advantages.
Thus, on the whole:
- RADEON X700XT versus RADEON 9800 PRO (ATHLON64 3400+) - parity without AA+AF, impressive victory with AF (A.I.!!!), defeat with ÀÀ (the memory bandwidth is surely too small), and thus a general victory
- RADEON X700XT versus RADEON 9800 XT (ATHLON64 3400+) - the same results
- RADEON X700XT versus GeForce 6600GT - victory
- RADEON X700XT versus GeForce 6800LE (ATHLON64 3400+) - an amazing fact: victory! The gain from using AF is so large that it brought victory to X700XT
- RADEON X700XT with the LOW OPTIMIZATION versus RADEON X700XT WITHOUT OPTIMIZATIONS - well, everything is crystal clear here, with enabled AF the speed leaps 1.5 times, especially with activated A.I.
This game stands first on the list to examine the graphics quality with enabled A.I.

The easiest modes without AA and anisotropy: a minor defeat of X700XT, optimizations bring little gain.
With enabled AA: as in the first tests, in the AA mode 6600GT abruptly loses speed, so X700XT is victorious.
With enabled anisotropy: approximate parity, X700XT occupies a slightly better position. But only with enabled A.I. If switch it off, X700XT is defeated.
The final heaviest mode with AA and anisotropy: thanks to the victory in AA, X700XT is generally victorious.
Thus, on the whole:
- RADEON X700XT versus RADEON 9800 PRO (ATHLON64 3400+) - victory
- RADEON X700XT versus RADEON 9800 XT (ATHLON64 3400+) - victory
- RADEON X700XT versus GeForce 6600GT - victory
- RADEON X700XT versus GeForce 6800LE (ATHLON64 3400+) - AF optimizations again brought forward X700XT
- RADEON X700XT with the LOW OPTIMIZATION versus RADEON X700XT WITHOUT OPTIMIZATIONS - AF activation with enabled optimizations provides heavy performance gain
- RADEON X700XT with the HIGH OPTIMIZATION versus RADEON X700XT WITHOUT OPTIMIZATIONS - the same picture, but the performance gain is a tad higher
We express our thanks to ATI for the video cards provided to our lab.
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