NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT and 6600 (NV43): Part 1 - Performance.
- Official specifications
- Architecture
- Video cards' features
- Testbed configurations, benchmarks,
2D quality
- Synthetic tests in D3D RightMark
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03:
FillRate Multitexturing
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03:
Vertex Shaders
- Synthetic tests in 3DMark03:
Pixel Shaders
- Test results: Quake3 ARENA
- Test results: Serious Sam:
The Second Encounter
- Test results: Return to Castle
- Test results: Code Creatures
- Test results: Unreal Tournament
- Test results: Unreal II: The
- Test results: RightMark 3D
- Test results: TRAOD
- Test results: FarCry
- Test results: Call Of Duty
- Test results: HALO: Combat
- Test results: Half-Life2(beta)
- Test results: Splinter Cell
- Test results: DOOM III
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game1
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game2
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game3
- Test results: 3DMark03 Game4
- Test results: 3DMark03 MARKS
- Conclusions
TR:AoD, Paris5_4 DEMO
GeForce 6600GT vs. OTHER CARDS |
GeForce 6600GT vs. GeForce 6800/6800GT |
GeForce 6600 |












The easiest modes without AA and anisotropy: This game makes high demands of core performance, heavily loading it with Shaders 2.0. And we can see that the comparison of 6600GT with the "emulators" demonstrated almost parity in case of the equal number of pipelines and the same frequencies. The weak point of the NV3x technology is the performance of shaders. So we witness the huge advantage of 6600GT over PCX5900. Over X600XT as well, the number of pipelines differing twofold. GeForce 6600 also got a head start over all its competitors (even with higher prices).
With enabled AA: Amazing fact. Something happened with ATI drivers and R9800PRO suddenly started to lose speed. I'm serious, the diagrams are scary. Obvious blunder! I even repeated the tests, but the results were the same. That's why this video card was the first to fall in battle. It's interesting to note that 6800LE is also a loser, its core operating at 325 MHz relative to GeForce 6600GT operating at 500 MHz. The 256-bit bus and 4 vertex pipelines did not help. There is even no point in writing about the victories over the staff competitors, it's obvious that 6600GT/6600 are the strongest in this test.
With enabled anisotropy: The same picture.
The final heaviest mode with AA and anisotropy: If the previous cases were the same, there is no reason for these results to be different.
Thus, on the whole:
- GeForce 6600GT versus RADEON 9800 PRO (ATHLON64 3400+) – VICTORY(!)
- GeForce 6600GT versus GeForce PCX5900 – VICTORY!
- GeForce 6600GT versus RADEON X600XT – VICTORY!
- GeForce 6600GT versus GeForce 6800LE (ATHLON64 3400+) – VICTORY (!!!)
- GeForce 6600GT 325/700 MHz versus GeForce 6800 (8/3) 325/350 MHz (ATHLON64 3400+) – approximate parity, with a little advantage of NV43
- GeForce 6600GT 350/1000 MHz versus GeForce 6800GT PCX (8/3) 350/500 MHz – the same picture
- GeForce 6600 300/600 MHz versus GeForce PCX5900 – VICTORY!
- GeForce 6600 300/600 MHz versus GeForce PCX5750 – obviously victory!
- GeForce 6600 300/600 MHz versus RADEON X600XT – victory!
The increase of frequencies (18%) during overclocking matches the performance gain.
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