Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit,
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 128MB
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II
Sapphire Atlantis All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB
Video Cards (ATI RADEON 9200/9600/9600 PRO/9700 PRO/9800 PRO)

cards' features
configuration, test tools, 2D quality
of the cards' performance
As you know, Sapphire Technologies is actually the first partner of
ATI Technologies because Sapphire itself is a branch establishment of PC
Partner concern at the facilities of which video cards based on various
ATI chips have been produced for several years already. In particular,
the graphics cards that ATI sells under its own brand are produced at PC
Partner's factories in China.
It means that the build quality of Sapphire's cards is very high. Of
course, there can be problems but they happen very seldom. Sapphire, in
contrast to other ATI's partners, possesses the widest range of video cards
with different memory sizes and clock speeds. Unfortunately, many cards
sell like a pig in a poke, when users are not even aware of the frequencies
of the cards they buy. Sapphire likes to play with frequencies!
Besides, the company offers many products of its own design (not just
of ATI's reference one). It may easily confuse users, and here
you can find a list of products with their P/N indicated so that it could
be easier to find what you need.
The company keeps on extending its sphere of activity. Thus, this trade
mark is getting popular and Russia, and Sapphire opened its representative
office in Moscow. Dealers willingly work with this company thanks to high
quality and affordable prices of its products.
Today we are going to test a new Sapphire cohort from High-End to Low-End
solutions. As to RADEON 9700-9800 based cards, have a look at the previous
reviews where you can find all necessary information.
Theoretical materials and reviews of video cards which concern functional
properties of the GPU ATI RADEON 9500/9700/9800
Analysis of
RADEON 9700 architecture and Microsoft DirectX 9.0
Pro 128MB Review
Gigabyte MAYA
II R9700Pro 128MB - performance estimated on the new Pentium 4 2.53
GHz based platform, comparison with the NVIDIA's 40.41 driver
Hercules 3D Prophet
9700 Pro 128MB - new CATALYST 2.3 driver estimated in 3DMark2001 SE,
and Unreal Tournament 2003 DEMO final release
PowerColor Evil
Commando2 RADEON 9700 Pro 128MB - performance of the new CATALYST 2.3
driver estimated in game tests, 3D quality issues
Hercules 3D Prophet
9700 Pro on ATI RADEON 9700 Pro: extreme overclocking
9700 and Gigabyte MAYA II RADEON 9500
Atlantis RADEON 9500 128MB and videocards tests in DOOM III v.0.02
MAYA II RADEON 9500 PRO and Hercules 3D Prophet 9500 PRO - detailed
analysis of anisotropic filtering of RADEON 9700
Sapphire Technology
RADEON 7500, 8500, 9000/Pro, 9700 Pro, anisotropic filtering of RADEON
HIS Excalibur RADEON
9700 PRO - Tests in DirectX 9.0 RC0
9500 64MB, 9500 128MB, 9500 PRO, 9700 and 9700 PRO in DirectX 9.0: Part
1 - Game tests in 3DMark2001, and Soft9700!
9500 64MB, 9500 128MB, 9500 PRO, 9700 and 9700 PRO in DirectX 9.0: Part
2 - Tests in DirectX 9.0 - synthetic tests from RightMark 3D
Atlantis RADEON 9700 and RADEON 9700 PRO Ultimate Edition
9000 64MB and RADEON 9700 PRO
video cards on the ATI's chips
HIS Excalibur
RADEON 9500 128MB (128bit)
- Hercules 3D Prophet 9800 PRO 128MB and Hercules
3D Prophet 7500 128MB, scandal around 3DMark03
- Hercules 3D Prophet 9800 PRO 128MB and Hercules
3D Prophet 7500 128MB (single page)
The test results of the All-In-Wonder 9700 PRO card won't be shown below because
it runs as fast as the ordinary RADEON 9700 PRO, and the multimedia functions
were already described by Aleksei Samsonov. Here
we will see whether Sapphire's product has any differences.
Note that it's the first time we are dealing with a 256MB card based
on the RADEON 9800 PRO!
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 128MB |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II |

Sapphire Atlantis All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit |
AGP x8/x4/x2 interface, 64 MB DDR SDRAM memory in 4 chips on both PCB
A-Data memory chips (BGA) of 4ns access time which corresponds to 250
(500) MHz. Memory works at 200 (400) MHz. GPU at 250 MHz. 64bit(!!!)
memory bus, but it's not indicated either on the box or at the manufacturer's
site. The card houses 64 MB because half of the memory chips are removed
(you can see free space there), each chip has 16 bits, which results to
64 bits. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 128MB |
AGP x8/x4/x2 interface, 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory in 8 chips on both
PCB sides.
A-Data memory chips (BGA) of 5ns access time, which corresponds to 200
(400) MHz. Memory works at 200 (400) MHz. GPU at 250 MHz. 128bit memory
bus. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB |
AGP x8/x4/x2 interface, 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory in 8 chips on both
PCB sides.
Hynix memory chips (BGA) of 4ns access time, which corresponds to 250
(500) MHz. Memory works at 200 (400) MHz. GPU at 325 MHz. 128bit memory
bus. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB |
AGP x8/x4/x2 interface, 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory in 8 chips
on both PCB sides.
One of the two cards have Samsung (BGA) memory chips, the other - EtronTech
ones. All the chips have 2.8ns access time which corresponds to 350 (700)
MHz. Memory works at 300 (600) MHz. GPU at 400 MHz. 128bit memory bus. |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |
AGP x8/x4/x2 interface, 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory in 8 chips on both
PCB sides.
Samsung memory chips (BGA) of 2.8ns access time, which corresponds to
350 (700) MHz. Memory works at 340 (680) MHz. GPU at 380 MHz. 256bit memory
bus. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II |
AGP x8/x4/x2 interface, 256 MB GDDR2 SDRAM memory in 16 chips on
both PCB sides.
Samsung K4N26323AE-GC22
chips (BGA) of 2.2ns access time. The maximum clock speed is which
corresponds to 450 (900) MHz. Memory works at 350 (700) MHz. GPU at 380
MHz. In spite of so great potential, the memory clock speed is not so high.
Probably, they decided to set 350 MHz to prevent overheating without using
massive coolers and a more complicated PCB design (in that case it makes
no sense because DDR 2.8ns is able to work at the same frequency!). |

Sapphire Atlantis All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |
AGP x8/x4/x2 interface, 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory in 8 chips on both
PCB sides.
Samsung memory chips (BGA) of 2.8ns access time which corresponds to
350 (700) MHz. Memory works at 310 (620) MHz. GPU at 325 MHz. 256bit memory
bus. |

Comparison with the reference design, front view |
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9200 |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 128MB |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9600 |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9600 PRO |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |



Sapphire Atlantis All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |
ATI All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |


Comparison with the reference design, back view |
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9200 |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 128MB |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9600 |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9600 PRO |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II |
Reference card ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |


Sapphire Atlantis All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |
ATI All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |


The 64MB RADEON 9200 card stands apart since it is based on its own
design. Note that it has a 64bit bus, and has no multimonitor support (only
one head).
The other cards are copies of the reference one. The 256MB RADEON 9800
PRO has only twice more memory chips as compared to the 128MB solution.
Taking into account that the DDR2 memory heats much, each chip has a heatsink
Sapphire's All-In-Wonder 9700 PRO is actually the same reference solution.
Here are the coolers.
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit, Sapphire Atlantis
RADEON 9200 128MB, Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB |
The processor is equipped with a simple aluminum heatsink. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB |
This is an ordinary active cooler clipped to the processor. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB, Sapphire Atlantis
The same cooler as on the reference card. Probably, Sapphire
hasn't developed its own design yet. |


Sapphire Atlantis All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |
Black reference cooler which we are used to already. |

Now have a look at some of the processors:
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II

This is the R350 with a simple mirror base.
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600, Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO

And this is the RV350. The package is the same FCPGA, but the chip is very
small. It's interesting that the RADEON 9600 has a heatsink stuck right
to the little die:

If I were the developer I'd be more careful - such a fragile die can be
easily damaged because some users hold the cards by coolers.
Take a gander at what's there in the boxes:
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit |
Only a CD with drivers and utilities. |
- |
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 128MB |
User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, PowerDVD, Sapphire RedLine
Tweaker; S-video-to-RCA and DVI-to-d-Sub adapters. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB |
User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, PowerDVD, Sapphire RedLine
Tweaker; S-video-to-RCA and DVI-to-d-Sub adapters, RCA and S-Video extenders. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB |
The same, plus Soldier of Fortune 2 game. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |
User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, PowerDVD, Sapphire RedLine
Tweaker; Soldier of Fortune-2 and RtCW games; S-video-to-RCA and DVI-to-d-Sub
adapters, RCA and S-Video extenders. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II |
User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, PowerDVD; S-video-to-RCA
and DVI-to-d-Sub adapters, RCA and S-Video extenders. |

Sapphire Atlantis All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |
User Guides, CD with drivers and utilities, Pinnacle Studio, Sapphire
RedLine Tweaker; Soldier of Fortune-2 and RtCW games; S-video-to-RCA and
DVI-to-d-Sub adapters, RCA and S-Video extenders, adapters and splitters
for multimedia functions, external power supply, Remote Control with a
receiver and batteries. |

All cards ship in retail packages. |
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit |
The boxes have a similar design. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 128MB |
They just differ in colors and writings. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB |
The main picture is the same on all boxes of the series. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB |
The difference is in colors. There can be cards with the
FireBlade sticker (the photo below). This card is for overclockers; the
memory reliably works at the clock speed 30 MHz higher than the default
one; use the Sapphire's tweaker for overclocking it. |


Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |
Except High-End products of the unique reference design of the packages. |

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II |
Bulk package |
- |
Sapphire Atlantis All-in-Wonder 9700 PRO 128MB |
The box demonstrates an octopus, a symbol of abundance of functions. |

Here is the FireBlade sticker which you can see on the boxes with RADEON
9600 PRO cards:

Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9200 64MB 64bit, Sapphire Atlantis RADEON
9200 128MB |
Overclocking impossible. |
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 128MB |
325/400 -> 400/540 MHz |
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB |
400/600 -> 540/700 MHz |
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB |
380/680 -> 430/760 MHz |
Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB DDR-II |
380/700 -> 440/760 MHz |
Note that:
Overclocking requires additional card cooling (for its memory, in particular):

Overclocking depends on a certain sample, and you shouldn't extend single-card
results to the entire series or trade mark. Overclocking results are not
obligatory characteristics of video cards.
Testbed and drivers
Pentium 4 3066 MHz based computer:
Intel Pentium 4 3066 MHz;
ASUS P4G8X (iE7205) mainboard;
Seagate Barracuda IV 40GB;
Windows XP SP1; DirectX 9.0;
ViewSonic P810 (21") and ViewSonic P817 (21")
NVIDIA drivers v43.51.
VSync off in drivers, S3TC off in applications.
As I mentioned above, Sapphire ships its tweaking utility which, in
particular, can help overclock cards:

The design reminds me the RadeonTweak. Maybe, the company bought the rights,
or the author distributes the program under the Sapphire RedLine brand
Aleksei Nikolaichuk has already
included all latest ATI video cards into its RivaTuner utility. In particular,
it correctly defines the memory bus of the RADEON 9200 64MB:

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