iXBT Labs - Computer Hardware in Detail |
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo,
Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE
Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample
Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x
Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x
Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x
based on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8x

- Peculiarities of the video cards
- Testbeds, test tools, 2D quality
- Summary information on performance of GeForce4
Ti 4200-8x video cards
- Conclusion
No sooner did the year of 2003 start than January flied away. However, the
political situation involving two our grands, NVIDIA and ATI, doesn't change so
quickly. NVIDIA hasn't released its new products yet, that is why it is now pulled
to pieces and gossiped very much about; some even mention the "cruel fate
of 3dfx" that has neared the Californian company the other day. You think
ATI took the occasion and attacked the market with its RADEON 9500-9700? Nothing
of the kind! When a rival is weak, ATI always catches political cold!
So, while one of the companies can't be delivered of, though it was sent to
the maternity hospital by its President that promised the GeForce FX yet by the
Xmas sales, the other is still not able to supply the RADEON 9500 in bulk (moreover
this product is still a bit too pricey).
Well, the manufacturers have no choice but to keep on producing Ti 4200 and
add all possible bells and whistles. The testers have no choice but to test such
solutions. Although the chip is quite old, the cards are new on the market, and
we are to show them to you to make simpler the choice among innumerable video
cards on the Ti 4200 (with AGP 8x at that).
Theoretical materials and reviews of video cards which concern functional
properties of the NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti GPU
- NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti review
- MSI GF4Ti4600 on NVIDIA GeForce4
Ti - concerns anisotropic filtering in the 3DMark2001 SE, and new Advanced
Pixel Shader Test from this packet.
- Leadtek WinFast GeForce4 Ti 4600
on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 - tests based on the Vulpine GLMark with anisotropy
- Gainward PowerPack GeForce4 Ultra/700XP
and Ultra/750XP Golden Sample on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400/4600 - Codecult Code
Creatures and Novalogic Comanche4 Benchmark.
- Chaintech A-GF61 SE on NVIDIA GeForce4
Ti 4600 - dependence of the performance on a CPU speed (AMD Athlon 750, 1000
MHz, Athlon XP 1250, 1666 MHz; in Serious Sam II, Return to Castle Wolfenstein).
- Creative 3D Blaster GeForce4 Ti 4400
on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400 - dependence of the performance on a CPU speed
(Intel Pentium III 1000, Pentium 4 2000, 2200 MHz; in Serious Sam II, Return to
Castle Wolfenstein).
- ASUS V8440 and V8460 on NVIDIA GeForce4
Ti 4400 and 4600 - dependence of the performance on a CPU speed (Intel Pentium
III 1000, Pentium 4 2000, 2200 MHz, AMD Athlon 750, 1000 MHz, Athlon XP 1250,
1666 MHz; in 3DMark2001 SE).
- ABIT Siluro GF4 Ti on NVIDIA GeForce4
Ti 4400 - AA operation in the 3DMark2001 SE.
- Palit Daytona GeForce4 Ti 4600
- examination of anisotropy on different platforms in 3DMark2001 SE (Game1, Game2).
- Joytech Apollo Bloody Monster
II GeForce4 Ti 4600 - examination of anisotropy on different platforms in
3DMark2001 SE (Game3, Game4).
- S/U/M/A/ Platinum GeForce4 Ti 4400
DVI and GeForce4 Ti 4600 SE - examination of anti-aliasing on different platforms
in 3DMark2001 SE (Game1, Game2).
- Triplex Millennium Silver GeForce4
Ti 4600 - examination of anti-aliasing on different platforms in 3DMark2001
SE (Game3, Game4).
- Leadtek WinFast A250LE 64MB and
Gainward Powerpack Ultra/650XP 128MB on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
- S/U/M/A/ Platinum GeForce4 Ti 4200
64MB, GeForce4 Ti 4200 SE 64MB, GeForce4 Ti 4200 SE 128MB - examination of
anisotropy in Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.
- S/U/M/A/ Platinum GeForce4 Ti 4200
64MB, 4200SE 64MB and 4200SE 128MB - examination of anisotropy in 3DMark2001
SE, RtCW, Serious Sam: TSE.
- Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4400 and GeForce4
Ti 4600 cards.
- ABIT Siluro GF4Ti4200, Prolink
PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200, Palit Daytona GeForce4 Ti 4200 128MB and Gainward
Powerpack Ultra/650XP 64MB on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
- Albatron
GeForce4 Ti 4200 128MB, Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200 128MB and Gainward Powerpack
Ultra/650XP GS 64MB on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 - analyses of the Nvidia's
quick anisotropy under the 30.* drivers in 3DMark2001SE.
- Galaxy 3G Graphic GeForce4 Ti 4200
64MB, MSI GF4Ti4200 VIVO 64MB, Triplex Millennium Silver GeForce4 Ti 4200 64MB
on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 - operation of VIVO on such cards of the GeForce4
family, and performance in Unreal Tournament 2003 DEMO final release
- Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4200P Turbo 128MB and GeForce4 Ti
- Galaxy 3G Graphic GeForce4 Ti 4200
64MB, MSI GF4Ti4200 VIVO 64MB, Triplex Millennium Silver GeForce4 Ti 4200 64MB
on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 - operation of VIVO on such cards of the GeForce4
family, performance in Unreal Tournament 2003 DEMO final release
- NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 With AGP8x
- Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4200P Turbo 128MB and GeForce4 Ti
- ABIT Siluro GF4 Ti4200 OTES and
ASUS V8420S on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
- Sparkle Platinum GeForce4 Ti 4600
on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 and ASUS V9280S (Super Fast Series) on NVIDIA GeForce4
Ti 4200 with AGP8x
- ABIT, Albatron, Joytech, Leadtek, MSI and X-Micro
video cards on NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8x
Today we have probably the last summary review of the video cards based on
the GeForce4 Ti 4200. Certainly, it deals with the new version - Ti 4200-8x. In
our lab we tested 6 cards from well-known companies.
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |


Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |


Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden
Sample |


Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |


Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |


Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |


All cards have AGP x8/x4/x2 interface, 128 MB DDR SDRAM
(except the Prolink's card carrying 64 MB) located in 8 chips on both PCB
sides. |
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |
The memory chips are made by Samsung, in BGA package. The access time
is 3.3ns, which corresponds to 300 (600) MHz, but the memory works at 275(550)
MHz. The GPU runs at 250 MHz which is typical of the Ti 4200. We tested
an identical card (but without AGP 8x) earlier (Albatron GeForce4 Ti 4200P
Turbo). |

Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |
The memory chips are made by Samsung. The access time is 4ns, which
corresponds to 250 (500) MHz, but the memory works at 256 (512) MHz. The
GPU runs at 250 MHz. |

Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample |
The memory chips are made by Samsung. The access time is 3.6ns, which
corresponds to 275 (550) MHz but the memory works at 256 (512) MHz. The
GPU runs at 250 MHz. As you know, the Golden Sample series has the Extremal
mode as well where the frequencies are higher - 270/270 (540) MHz. |

Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The memory chips are made by Samsung. The access time is 4ns, which
corresponds to 250 (500) MHz, but the memory works at 256 (512) MHz. The
GPU runs at 250 MHz. |

Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The memory chips are made by EtronTech. The access time is 3.3ns, which
corresponds to 300 (600) MHz, but the memory works at 285 (570) MHz. The
GPU runs at 250 MHz. Note that this card is equipped with 64 MB instead
of 128 MB. |

Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The memory chips are made by Samsung. The access time is 3.6ns, which
corresponds to 275 (550) MHz but the memory works at 256 (512) MHz. The
GPU runs at 250 MHz. |

Comparison with the reference design, front view |
Reference card NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 |

Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |


Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |


Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden
Sample |


Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |


Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |


Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |


Comparison with the reference design, back view |
Reference card NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 |

Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |


Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |


Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden
Sample |


Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |

Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |


Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |

All cards except the Albatron are based on the standard NV28 design. The Albatron
Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo, like the Ti 4200P Turbo, is built on the altered
design of Ti 4600 with higher memory frequencies. Remember that the card has
the marketing name; the graphics processor is Ti 4200, not Ti 4600 with AGP8x.
I don't value such attitude toward inexperienced users when the first thing that
arrests attention is "Ti 4680", while the font of "Ti 4200"
is much smaller. Besides, everybody knows that AGP 8x on such cards is of
no help at all, at least in today's games.
Now let's turn to the GPUs.
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |
The marking of the processor is not standard, though we are already
used to it. It's not indicated that this is exactly 4200. The chip is produced
at the 46th week of 2002 (i.e. at the end of the year). |

Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |
This is a standard marking. The chip is produced at the 40th
week of 2002 (i.e. in the middle of autumn). |

Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden
Sample |
And here we have the 41st week of 2002. |

Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The marking differs again, though it's written below that this
is 4200. The chip is produced at the 46th week of 2002. |

Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The conventional marking and 39th week. |

Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The "new" marking and 40th week. |

It's ironic that all 6 cards received from different sources have processors
made at the almost same time :-). And it's clear that in the middle of autumn
after the 40th week NVIDIA decided to change the marketing to an unknown reason.
Now let's look at what is traditionally considered a piece of art on graphics
cards, i.e. coolers.
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |
This is a very beautiful and efficient cooler on
a copper base. |


Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |
The distinguishing feature of the SE (Special Edition)
series is exactly a cooler. It consists of a very effective catchy closed heatsink
with the fan shifted off the center (almost a copy of the reference model), plus
heatsinks of the same style for memory modules. On the back there are also heatsinks
for the memory, though they are smaller. |


Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden
Sample |
Earlier the coolers of such design were used by Gainward
only on Ti 4400/4600 cards while Ti 4200 based models were equipped with usual
roundish coolers with fans in the center. Now such effective cooler can be seen
on the Ti 4200 as well. |


Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
This is a copy of the reference cooler, though in
the colors of Inno3D (by the way, it looks nice together with PCB's color, plus
the distinguishing style of InnoVision). |


Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The fame of Leadtek which dresses its cards into
armor provoked Prolink to make a single cooler for chip and memory on the front
side of the card. The advantage is that the heatsink is attached to the memory
with thermo stickers instead of clips which do not provide proper contact. On
the back the chips are cooled with small separate heatsinks. It's also a strong
point because it allows the heatsinks to be pressed tightly to the chips. |


Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
This is a usual reference cooler. Sparkle considered
it unnecessary to deviate from the reference design even here. |


All 6 cards come with external processors for TV-out (Video-In).
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo, Prolink PixelView
GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
Philips 7104 works only with TV-out, that is why the card doesn't
have VIVO. Unfortunately, the TV-out quality of such processors from Philips is
inferior to Conexant. I wish the developers from Albatron installed the Conexant's
codec considering that the PCB's design allows it. |

Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE, Gainward
GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample, Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x,
Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
Philips 7108 supports VIVO. |

As you can see, 4 cards support VIVO, and the other 2 only TV-out. The Prolink's
card doesn't have a "second head", i.e. it's deprived of the DVI connector.
But if you don't need a card for two monitors, you can buy this solution at a
relatively low price.
Now the accessory packs:
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |
The box contains: User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, S-Video-to-RCA
adapter, TV-out extenders, and 2 CDs with old games. |

Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |
The box contains: User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, Cyberlink
PowerDVD and PowerDirector (for VIVO), AquaNox, MDK2, VIVO adapter/splitter,
S-Video-to-RCA, adapter, TV-out extenders, DVI-to-d-Sub adapter. |

Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample |
The box contains: User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, WinDVD,
WinCoder/WinProducer (VIVO), VIVO adapter/splitter, DVI-to-d-Sub adapter,
sticker. |

Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The box contains: User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities,
other software shown on the photo on the right, VIVO adapter/splitter,
DVI-to-d-Sub adapter, mouse pad. |


Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The box contains: User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, Venom,
Ballistics games, WinDVD, S-video-to-RCA adapter, DVI-to-d-Sub adapter. |

Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The box contains: User Guide, CD with drivers and utilities, CyberLink
PowerDirector (VIVO), VIVO adapter/splitter, DVI-to-d-Sub adapter. |

All the cards ship in retail packages.
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |
A traditional mirror-like shining box from Albatron picturing the Medusa
looking like a pretty girl. Remember once again that the card's name is
a marketing trick, - Ti 4680 doesn't exist. |

Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |
A very stylish package for the whole Special Edition series of Chaintech!
Through the cutout you can see the card. |

Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample |
This Gainward's package is becoming boring as the design remains the
same for several years already. Why don't they think of something more
effective for the Golden Sample than just a sticker... |

Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
This is a standard package of InnoVision the developers do not want
to part with, though it's high time they invent something new. |

Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
This is a showy combination of the standard design, an interesting
picture and a striking font of the writings. |

Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
The designers from Sparkle managed to find a cheap and effective solution.
The design is unsophisticated but the holographic patterns shine and attract
attention! |

That's all about the peculiarities of the cards.
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |
250/550 -> 320/710 MHz, excellent overclocking! |
Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |
250/513 -> 320/640 MHz, quite good! |
Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample |
270/540 -> 325/655 MHz, excellent result, Ti 4600 is almost dead
for overclockers :-) |
Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
250/513 -> 310/650 MHz, not bad results of the chip and superb
scores of the memory. |
Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
250/570 -> 310/660 MHz, not bad results of the chip and superb
scores of the memory.. |
Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
250/513 -> 320/650 MHz, good overclocking as well! |
Note that:
during the overclocking you should provide additional cooling, in particular,
for the card (first of all, for its memory):

overclocking depends on a sample, and you shouldn't generalize the results
of one card to all video cards of this trade mark or series. The overclocking
results are not the obligatory characteristics of video cards.
Test system and drivers
Pentium 4 2530 MHz based computer:
Intel Pentium 4 2530 MHz;
ASUS P4T533 (i850E) mainboard;
512 MB 32bit RDRAM PC4200;
Seagate Barracuda IV 40GB HDD;
Windows XP.
Athlon XP 2600+ based computer:
AMD Athlon XP 2600+ (2133 MHz);
EPoX (nForce2) mainboard;
512 MB DDR SDRAM PC3200;
Seagate Barracuda IV 40GB HDD.
The test system was coupled with ViewSonic P810 (21") and
P817 (21") monitors.
In the tests we used NVIDIA's drivers of v41.09. VSync was off, S3TC
was off in the applications.
Unfortunately, the developers supply nothing interesting with the cards
except the Gainward's utility ExperTool:

Test results
Before we start examining 2D quality I should say that there is no a complete
technique of objective estimation of this parameter because:
Almost all modern 3D accelerators can have 2D quality much dependent on
a certain sample, and it's impossible to trace all cards;
2D quality depends not only on a video card, but also on a monitor and
a cable;
Besides, certain monitors do not get along with certain video cards.
As for the tested samples, together with the ViewSonic P817 monitor
and BNC Bargo cable the cards showed excellent quality at the
following resolutions and frequencies:
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo |
1600x1200x85Hz, 1280x1024x120Hz, 1024x768x160Hz |
Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE |
1600x1200x85Hz, 1280x1024x120Hz, 1024x768x120Hz |
Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample |
1600x1200x85Hz, 1280x1024x100Hz, 1024x768x160Hz |
Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
1600x1200x75Hz, 1280x1024x120Hz, 1024x768x120Hz |
Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
1600x1200x75Hz, 1280x1024x120Hz, 1024x768x160Hz |
Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x |
1600x1200x85Hz, 1280x1024x120Hz, 1024x768x160Hz |
Test results: data from 3Digest
For the performance estimation we used:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (MultiPlayer) (id Software/Activision) - OpenGL,
multitexturing, Checkpoint-demo,
test settings - maximum, S3TC OFF, the configurations can be downloaded
from here
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter v.1.05 (Croteam/GodGames) - OpenGL, multitexturing,
Grand Cathedral demo, test settings: quality, S3TC OFF
Comanche4 Benchmark Demo (NovaLogic) - Direct3D, Shaders, Hardware T&L,
Dot3, cube texturing, highest quality
Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo v.927 (Digital Extreme/Epic Games) - Direct3D,
Vertex Shaders, Hardware T&L, Dot3, cube texturing, default quality
3DMark2001 SE Pro (MadOnion/Remedy), Game2 "Dragothic" - DirectX
8.0, Hardware TCL, multitexturing, LOW Details, DXTC
OFF, double buffering, 24-bit Z buffer
3DMark2001 Pro (MadOnion/Remedy) - DirectX 8.0, Hardware
TCL, Game1, Game2, Game3, Game4, Low, High detail levels
RightMark Video Analyzer v.0.4 (Philip
Gerasimov) - DirectX 8.1, Dot3, cube texturing, shadow buffers, vertex
and pixel shaders (1.1, 1.4).
Summary diagrams of performance of the video cards on the latest drivers
for December 2002
The overclocked cards are marked with red color, the frequencies reached
follow the sign o/c (overclocked).
For the summary diagrams we used drivers v.41.09 for the NVIDIA cards,
v.6.218 for the ATI cards, v.3.07 for the SIS cards and v. for
the Matrox cards.
1. Return to Castle Wolfenstein - maximum quality settings
2. Unreal Tournament 2003 DEMO - standard settings
3. Comanche4 DEMO
4. 3DMark2001, Game2 Low Details (Dragothic)
5. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
6. 3DMark2001
6.1. 3DMark2001 standard test
XP (November 2002)
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1024x768, 3D Marks
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1024x768, Game1 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1024x768, Game1 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1024x768, Game2 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1024x768, Game2 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1024x768, Game3 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1024x768, Game3 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1024x768, Game4
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1280x1024, 3D Marks
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1280x1024, Game1 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1280x1024, Game1 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1280x1024, Game2 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1280x1024, Game2 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1280x1024, Game3 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1280x1024, Game3 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1280x1024, Game4
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1600x1200, 3D Marks
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1600x1200, Game1 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1600x1200, Game1 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1600x1200, Game2 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1600x1200, Game2 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1600x1200, Game3 Low
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1600x1200, Game3 High
on Pentium 4 2533 MHz, 1600x1200, Game4
7. RightMark 3D
In closing I must say that all the cards performed stably (each worked
24 hours) and have good build quality.
Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo is a good example of combination
of perfect quality, high speed and a relatively low price. But they trick
users by using the name of Ti 4680; besides, the card has no VIVO or TV-out
via Conexant;
Chaintech A-GX21 GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x SE: the frequencies are standard,
but the accessories and appearance are very attractive, and the price is
not too high, plus VIVO;
Gainward GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample - this is a high-society
card. The golden bar showed very good results, in contrast to the old package;
Inno3D Tornado GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x is an ordinary card working at ordinary
frequencies, if the price is attractive the card will be in demand (provided
that the quality doesn't worsen with time); the VIVO makes it more interesting;
Prolink PixelView GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x is the cheapest card on the Ti 4200-8x
because it has only 64 MB memory onboard and only one d-Sub connector.
No VIVO, only TV-out;
Sparkle GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x is also one of the cheapest cards in its class,
but it sports VIVO and, with its 3.6ns memory, it is a good find for overclockers.
In our 3Digest you can find complete
comparison characteristics of video cards of this and other classes.
Very good performance in 3D games (in the overclocking mode up to Ti 4600
and higher!);
Nice build quality;
Increased frequencies of the Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo, Gainward
GeForce4 Powerpack Ultra/650-8X XP Golden Sample and Prolink PixelView
GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x ;
TV-out on all cards, and Video-In on four of them;
All necessary adapters for TV-out (VIVO);
No DVI-to-d-Sub adapter for the Albatron Medusa GeForce4 Ti 4680 Turbo.
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