Details about SiSR658 RDRAM chipset from SiS
To complete yesterday announcement of new SiSR658 RDRAM chipset from SiS.
As you know, SiSR658 became possible after SiS signed a licence agreement with Rambus last November. SiS evaluates this release as the strengthening of hi-end vendor market positions.
As we already reported yesterday, SiSR658 (SiS963 Southbridge) supports Pentium 4 with 533/400 MHz FSB and up to 3 GHz clock rate, up to 4GB Dual RDRAM with up to 1066 MHz clock rate, AGP 8È, 5.1-channel AC´97 2.2 sound, 10/100-Mbps Ethernet, Home PNA 2.0, Dual ATA133/100/66 IDE, up to 6 PCI slots, up to 6 USB 2.0/1.1.

Yet no one officially presented any boards on the new chipset, but Japanese journalists refer to a SiS´s R658 reference board sample (above), having already tested it for some comparatives. Intel 850E boards were tested with two kinds of memory: PC800-40 and Pó1066-32, SiS R658 board with Pó1066-32 memory. Modules´ had 256MB capacity, Pentium 4 2.40 GHz CPU and NVIDIA GeForce3; Windows XP Professional were also used.

In general, I can state that R658 reference board, naturally, overperforms all other DDR boards, but yields to i850E RDRAM solution. Slightly lower price of R658 comparing to i850E is a doubtful advantage for expensive hi-end systems. However, it´s better not to draw a final conclusion about SiS R658 performance without serial boards test results.
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