Zotac GeForce GTX 470/480 AMP and GTX 465 Graphics Cards
Zotac GeForce GTX 465 has a reference cooler that we have already reviewed. Just remember that reference coolers of the GTX 4xx series are not very efficient, so these cards are rather hot and noisy.
Zotac GeForce GTX 480 AMP Zotac GeForce GTX 470 AMP |
Both cards have the same cooling system by Zalman. It features a large fan that cools the core and a flat heatsink that covers memory chips.
The central part of the cooler is elevated on heatpipes, so only a small copper base is in contact with the core. For this reason, the cooler is quite high, so the card actually occupies three slots.
As for performance, the cooler is quite efficient and completely silent. There's only one drawback: it's very fragile. Thin heatsink fins, as well as the cover, can be bent easily and may wedge the two fans. So be careful when you install these cards. |
Traditionally, we monitored temperatures using EVGA Precision (based on RivaTuner).
Zotac GeForce GTX 480 AMP
Zotac GeForce GTX 470 AMP
Zotac GeForce GTX 465
The reference cooler of GeForce GTX 465 cannot even deal with this reduced solution, the temperature exceeding 90°C. At the same time, coolers of GeForce GTX 480/470 perform quite well, and the temperature doesn't exceed 80°C.
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