We have made significant changes to the rating calculation method for several reasons. Firstly, there was a number of math errors, so we decided to use geometrical average for all test results. Secondly, the quality value had little to no influence on the results. This was unacceptable due to newer games, in which AA or AF are very important. Thus we made AA and AF influence floating. The geometrical average performance is divided by 60 FPS (as a standard of average minimal sufficient performance) to obtain a coefficient of suitable performance. It's multiplied by a pre-fixed AA or AF coefficient that depends on certain card specs. This gives us a coefficient of card's AA or AF potential, that we finally take into consideration. Otherwise top-end cards would be underestimated, because when you spend $400-500, not only you get frames per second in existing games, but also some potential for higher quality coming in the future. Otherwise $10 cards made in 2002 could get high marks due to their low price.
Calculating ratings, we assume that demand for performance and quality is as follow:
- Performance — 60%
- Quality — 40%
The usability rating Kuse is calculated with the following formula and then multiplied by 100 to get more convenient values. The capability rating Kcap is calculated with the same formula, but without dividing by Price and multiplying by 100 in the end.
Kuse = 1500 * (Kno-AAA1/40 + KAAA1/40)0.6 * (PFQ)0.4 / Price
The variables are explained below.
Kno-AAA — performance without antialiasing and anisotropic filtering. It is calculated as follows:
Kno-AAA = |
(CR412XP * CR416XP * CR419XP * CR425XP) * (FC12XP * FC16XP * FC19XP * FC25XP) * (TR12XP * TR16XP * TR19XP * TR25XP) * (F112XP * F116XP * F119XP * F125XP) * (H212XP * H216XP * H219XP * H225XP) * (3DM1112XP * 3DM1116XP * 3DM1119XP * 3DM1125XP) * (DI12XP * DI16XP * DI19XP * DI25XP) * (ME12XP * ME16XP * ME19XP * ME25XP) * (JC12XP * JC16XP * JC19XP * JC25XP) * (AVP12XP * AVP16XP * AVP19XP * AVP25XP) |
KAAA — performance with antialiasing and anisotropic filtering. It is calculated using the same formula above with corresponding AA+AF performance values.
Benchmark result variables:
- FC12xp — Far Cry 2 at 1280x1024x32
- FC16xp — Far Cry 2 at 1680x1050x32
- FC19xp — Far Cry 2 at 1920x1200x32
- FC25xp — Far Cry 2 at 2560x1600x32
- TR12xp — Unigine Tropics Benchmark at 1280x1024x32
- TR16xp — Unigine Tropics Benchmark at 1680x1050x32
- TR19xp — Unigine Tropics Benchmark at 1920x1200x32
- TR25xp — Unigine Tropics Benchmark at 2560x1600x32
- H212xp — Unigine Heaven Benchmark DX11 at 1280x1024x32
- H216xp — Unigine Heaven Benchmark DX11 at 1680x1050x32
- H219xp — Unigine Heaven Benchmark DX11 at 1920x1200x32
- H225xp — Unigine Heaven Benchmark DX11 at 2560õ1600õ32
- 3DM1112xp — 3DMark 11 at 1280x1024x32
- 3DM1116xp — 3DMark 11 at 1680x1050x32
- 3DM1119xp — 3DMark 11 at 1920x1200x32
- 3DM1125xp — 3DMark 11 at 2560x1600x32
- DI12xp — Colin McRae: DiRT 2 at 1280x1024x32
- DI16xp — Colin McRae: DiRT 2 at 1680x1050x32
- DI19xp — Colin McRae: DiRT 2 at 1920x1200x32
- DI25xp — Colin McRae: DiRT 2 at 2560x1600x32
- ME12xp — Metro 2033 at 1280x1024x32
- ME16xp — Metro 2033 at 1680x1050x32
- ME19xp — Metro 2033 at 1920x1200x32
- ME25xp — Metro 2033 at 2560x1600x32
- JC12xp — Just Cause 2 at 1280x1024x32
- JC16xp — Just Cause 2 at 1680x1050x32
- JC19xp — Just Cause 2 at 1920x1200x32
- JC25xp — Just Cause 2 at 2560x1600x32
- AVP12xp — Aliens vs. Predator DX11 at 1280x1024x32
- AVP16xp — Aliens vs. Predator DX11 at 1680x1050x32
- AVP19xp — Aliens vs. Predator DX11 at 1920x1200x32
- AVP25xp — Aliens vs. Predator DX11 at 2560x1600x32
- F112xp — F1 2010 at 1280x1024x32
- F116xp — F1 2010 at 1680x1050x32
- F119xp — F1 2010 at 1920x1200x32
- F125xp — F1 2010 at 2560õ1600õ32
- CR412xp — Crysis Warhead Cargo DX10 at 1280x1024x32
- CR416xp — Crysis Warhead Cargo DX10 at 1680x1050x32
- CR419xp — Crysis Warhead Cargo DX10 at 1920x1200x32
- CR425xp — Crysis Warhead Cargo DX10 at 2560õ1600õ32
Price — card's average price for the end of the month.
PFQ — estimated card's features and quality. It is calculated as follows:
PFQ = ((AF * AA)1/2 * (Drivers * VS * PS)1/3) / 100
- Drivers — estimated drivers quality (including installation difficulties, etc.) on the 10-point scale.
- AF — anisotropic filtering:
- 500 * KAAA1/68 / 60 fps — regular AF (GeForce 7xxx)
- 1000 * KAAA1/68 / 60 fps — high-quality AF (GeForce 8xxx/RADEON x1xxx)
- 1500 * KAAA1/68 / 60 fps — highest-quality AF (RADEON 5xxx/GeForce GTX 4xx and newer)
- AA — antialiasing (given the game is at least barely playable):
- 1000 * KAAA1/68 / 60 fps — MSAA
- 2000 * KAAA1/68 / 60 fps — MSAA+SSAA
- 2200 * KAAA1/68 / 60 fps — MSAA+SSAA+TAA
- 2500 * KAAA1/68 / 60 fps — MSAA+SSAA+TAA+CSAA
- VS — hardware vertex shaders:
- 5 — version 5.0
- 4 — version 4.0
- 3 — version 3.0
- 2 — version 2.0
- PS — hardware pixel shaders:
- 5 — version 5.0
- 4 — version 4.0
- 3 — version 3.0
- 2 — version 2.0
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