Intel Pentium E5200 Processor
Non-professional/home tests
Same again, only the Core 2 Duo E4600 is not outperformed much.
On the contrary, the E5200 almost repeats its achievement in Photoshop, trying to catch up with the E4700. But it's still short of one point.
Strange as it may seem, the E5200 fails to outperform the lowerclocked E4600 in games.
Non-professional photo processing
We've already seen a similar layout of forces two charts above.
Total non-professional score
There is only one noteworthy fact -- Pentium E5200 is closer to the Core 2 Duo E4700 in home applications than in professional ones. By the way, this fact agrees with the official positioning of this model.
We've just tested another Intel processor from the below 100 USD price range. It's a good CPU: performs well, does not get very hot (subjectively), outperforms a lot of more expensive older processors (Core 2 Duo E4600, for example). What else there is to say about Pentium E5200? With its price tag, it's certainly a much better choice than other Pentium dual-core processors. As for its price/performance ratio, it's probably better than that of any Core 2 Duo E4xxx. And, of course, even the cheapest Core 2 Duo E7xxx processor is still significantly faster: Intel hasn't made any glaring mistakes in product positioning for a long time already. There's nothing much to add. See the charts, everything is there.
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