The 3D labs VP870 has AGP x2/x4 interface, 128 MB DDR SGRAM
located in 8 chips on both PCB sides.

Brief technical characteristics of the P10 chip the card is based on:
Technology: 0.15-micron, 76 M transistors, 860-pin HSBGA package
4 pixel rendering pipelines, up to 2 textures per clock
256-bit interface of DDR memory (up to 20 GB/s at 312.5 MHz DDR)
Full support of DirectX 8 pixel and vertex shaders, VS 2.0 in DirectX 9,
OpenGL 2.0
Optimized graphics pipeline supporting SIMD (single instruction, multiple
data) arrays
Software full-screen anti-aliasing
Performance: up to 170 Gflops/1 TeraOp
Virtual memory subsystem where all memory requests are located in a single
virtual address space of 16 GB which allows P10 based boards to avoid limitations
of the on-board graphics memory
Multithread processing of commands which emulates several virtual VPUs
Programmable modules supporting complex commands including subroutines
and loops; texture decompression modules and real-time wavelet geometry
Dual integrated 370-MHz 10bit RAMDAC
Full 2D and 3D acceleration on two screens, overlay with double hardware
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