Number of pipelines in GeForce 6800-non-Ultra products
Recently we spoke about managing number of pipelines in GeForce 6800. The problem was cards with only 12 pipelines found for sale.
Together with the developer of RivaTuner, Alexey Nikolaychuk, as well as with many beta testers of the new version, we found out that a number of vertex pipelines can be disabled even if all pixel pipelines are in place. Like 5 or even 4 instead of default 6.
E.g., MSI GeForce 6800 card that we mentioned several times has all 16 pixel pipelines (!), but still only 5 vertex pipelines instead of 6.
Another example is ASUS V9999GE based on GeForce 6800. On the screenshot below you can see RivaTuner indicating 12 pixel and 5 vertex pipelines (5vp):

If you look at pipeline distribution in another tab, you will see that pixel pipelines have 1 quad (4 pipelines) disabled. This is understandable for GeForce 6800. And there´s one flag missing among vertex ones. There would be no miracle if you try and enable all the disabled, because this GPU has pipelines blocked by hardware inside the core. But maybe some still own cards with unblockable pipelines.

When Alexey had posted this information in several forums of beta testers, he found out that even GeForce 6800GT cards can have vertex pipelines pared down, while all 16 pixel ones are in place.
We will continue our examinations and, as I have said before, we expect the new version of RivaTuner to be released early in September.
And some present for X800 owners: the new RT version can control cooling fan rotation speed:

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