Future AMD64 chipsets from ALi, ATI, NVIDIA SiS, VIA: more details
Today South Korean Darkcrow completely confirmed that ATI prepares to release an AMD64 chipset series with the report about 2003 AMD Reseller Seminar held last week in Seoul. We were especially pleased with very nice images enabling us to clearly identify roadmaps of ATI and all other chipset makers.
On the first image you can see the discrete chipset roadmap, on the second – the integrated chipset roadmap of all 5 makers of this market: ALi, ATI, NVIDIA SiS and VIA. In particular, Ali that had already introduced single-chip prototypes for the Intel Pentium 4 platform got a taste for this and also introduced its new A64 single-chip core logic, ALi 1697, similar to NVIDIA´s Crush K8. Besides the PCI Express, ALi´s new chipset has integrated Wi-Fi support.
We´ve already posted about all other chipset, so we won´t pause on them again. The only new information these images provide are the more or less specific release dates. As you can see, almost all companies will be ready for AMD64 chipset volume shipments by the summer, so it´s just about the demand.
Source: DarkCrow
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