Leadek announces graphics solutions on NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700/5950 GPUs
Leadtek announced the complete series of graphics cards based on new GeForce FX GPUs: WinFast A380 Ultra TDH MyVIVO, WinFast A360 Ultra TDH, and WinFast A360 TD (on GeForce FX 5950 Ultra, GeForce FX 5700 Ultra, and GeForce FX 5700, respectively).

WinFast A380 Ultra TDH MyVIVO features 256Mb of 256-bit DDR, 475/950MHz GPU/memory clock speed. The model has all necessary interfaces, including VIVO, and is supplied with Ulead Cool 3D SE, WinFast PVR, WinFastDVD, and a number of modern games.

WinFast A360 Ultra TDH on NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 Ultra GPU has 128Mb of 128-bit DDR, 475/900 MHz GPU/memory clock speeds. The model has all necessary interfaces, including NTSC/PAL TV-Out, and is supplied with a number of modern games.
WinFast A360 TD on NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 GPU has 128Mb of 128-bit DDR, 425MHz GPU. The model has all necessary interfaces too, including NTSC/PAL TV-Out, and is supplied with a number of modern games.
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