Hitachi FLORA 270W: the first serial water-cooled notebook
We´ve already mentioned that Hitachi was preparing to release water-cooled notebooks. So, it´s happened: the company has presented FLORA 270W to be shipped late in September.

Hitachi´s main theme of the FLORA 270W announcement is the low noise of less than 30 dB.

The notebook features 1.8 GHz Mobile Pentium 4-M, Intel 845MP chipset, 128 MB RAM (up to 512 MB), 20 GB hard disk, ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500 graphics (16 MB), 24È CD-ROM drive, 15" 1400È1050 (SXGA+) screen, modern interfaces. It weighs 3.7 kg and is 326È275È46 mm in size. The price with Windows 2000/XP Professional is about $2700.
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