Sharp announces new Mebius notebooks on desktop Pentium 4 CPUs
Sharp announced new multimedia Mebius notebooks on desktop Pentium 4 processors PC-RD1-D1U/C1M – featuring new 15" LCD panels with better brightness.

PC-RD1-D1U has 2.26GHz desktop Pentium 4 (about 1.4 hours of battery operation), SiS645DX chipset, 32Mb GeForce4 420 Go, 15" 1024x768 LCD with 350:1 contrast, 160° horizontal and 135° vertical viewing angle, 512Mb PC2100 DDR SDRAM, 60Gb HDD60 , DVD-RW drive, 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet, IEEE 802. 11b, V.90 56kbps modem, a number of ports. The dimensions are 352x296x46 mm, weight – 4.6 kg.
PC-RD1-C1M is similar to D1U, but has only 256Mb RAM, DVD/CD-RW and lacks wireless interface. MSRP of D1U is about $2150, of C1M – about $1900.
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